Monday, June 4, 2012

The Garden Progresses...

Our wonderful friends Statik and kaRIN from Collide gave us empty pond shells, so the next garden bed I decided on would have a water feature. I dug out a bit of an area, not too deep for the shell as I need to have the ponds above ground a bit, due to Gil the Tortoise not being a swimmer.

Mapping out the Pond Garden bed.
This is the smaller pond shell, which I decided to center within a bed of moisture loving plants, like mint, yarrow and water cress. My last pond was crazy with mint, but we use it a great deal in green juicing, and the rabbits aren't fans...

Pond Garden taking shape.

Once I was able to actually shape out the bed, we stabilized the shell with pebbles I had to clear out from the floor of our outdoor Cat Room. This bed is nice and deep for some planting! Steve went large rock excavating around our property to finish the walls...

Pond Garden planted and seeded!
Steve also found an old water pump spout on our lot, so we added it for fun! Still letting the biology to percolate before adding some fish!

The garden now!
We have a great deal of space left for new beds, but we're really amazed at the progress so far! Photos below as things begin to grow...

Zendra watches out for bunnies!

The first garden bed in foreground with a shade cloth added.